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Councillor Expelled From Review Groups After She Writes To The Dragon

Published on: 26 Sep, 2015
Updated on: 27 Sep, 2015
Davis v Parker re museum

Cllr Geoff Davis and Cllr Susan Parker at odds over Guildford Museum

A borough councillor has been expelled from two review groups because she wrote a letter to the The Guildford Dragon NEWS on the subject of Guildford Museum.

Cllr Geoff Davis (Con, Holy Trinity) lead councillor for economic development, heritage and tourism, who chairs the Guildford Museum review group and a little known committee reviewing the future of the Electric Theatre, regards the communication from Cllr Susan Parker (GGG, Send) to The Dragon as a breach of confidence by a review group member.

He wrote to Cllr Parker, leader of the Guildford Greenbelt Group (GGG), to say: “The invitations to be on those groups which you previously had are therefore withdrawn, and you are not entitled to attend further meetings of either group.”

The email from Cllr Geoff Davis to Cllr Susan Parker informing her of his decision to expel her from the museum and theatre review groups.

The email from Cllr Geoff Davis to Cllr Susan Parker informing her of his decision to expel her from the museum and theatre review groups.

In a separate email he wrote: “The press, particularly The Dragon, has printed articles saying that this a property deal, but based on no information at all…”

48 Quarry Street, currently part of Guildford Museum.

48 Quarry Street, currently part of Guildford Museum.

Speculation that 48 Quarry Street was already in the process of being sold has been denied by Cllr Davis. He said: “Not even tested on market yet. Certainly no sale under way.” It was previously reported that the council has had it valued by estate agents.

Further justifying Cllr Parker’s expulsion Cllr Davis wrote to her: “The decision in this matter has been strengthened by your copying in of many council officers, and the threats you have made.”

Cllr Parker had told Cllr Davis that she would make the matter known to the press if he continued with her expulsion. Her letter to The Dragon urged readers to send comments to the Guildford Heritage Forum, a website set up, by local historian and author Gavin Morgan, to encourage public debate on the uncertain future of Guildford Museum.

News that the future of the Electric Theatre, operated at a loss by Guildford Borough Council, is also under council review is likely to be a matter of concern to supporters of the arts in Guildford.

But GBC’s budget is under ever increasing pressure from central government and it is likely to be argued that the current level of subsidy is unaffordable.

Cllr Parker told the The Guildford Dragon NEWS that Cllr Davis told her she had been expelled from the two review groups because she had “broken ranks” and, she said: “that I have spoken to the media in relation to my personal views about the museum. I think this means my recent comment in The Guildford Dragon, in the discussion on the future of the museum. He has also expelled me from the theatre working group.

“I am very surprised, particularly as I have commented rather less on the museum than Cllr Davis, and not at all on the theatres, and I haven’t discussed anything that isn’t already in the public domain. What happened to informed debate?  Others, including Anne Milton MP, Surrey County Cllr Fiona White and Alderman Bridger had all previously commented in public.”

Cllr Davis has written to The Guildford Dragon on several occasions to give updates on the situation with the museum, most recently on September 15.

Susan Parker continued: “Cllr Davis in consultation with, as he puts it, the GBC’s  ‘Corporate Office’ seems to think that everyone on a committee should do as they are told. Clearly no dissent will be permitted. I suspect that it is my disagreement with his views on the museum, my wish to see our heritage protected and supported, and my persuasiveness within the theatre group that is the real problem, rather than the letter to The Dragon.

“But I will continue to express my views. If our heritage is sold off piecemeal, and the Surrey Archaeological Society’s exhibits removed, I will join with other residents in protesting at a socially and culturally bankrupt council policy.  I would also urge people to challenge the status quo and evict the Executive by signing Local Democracy’s petition for reintroduction of a committee system.

Cllr David Reeve will now replace Cllr Parker on the cross party review groups.

Cllr David Reeve will now replace Cllr Parker on the cross party review groups.

Cllr David Reeve (GGG, Clandon and Horsley), has now been invited to join both review groups by Cllr Davis to replace Cllr Parker. Cllr Parker commented: “I suspect that Cllr Davis may be disappointed and find David Reeve is as independent-minded as I am.”

There seems to be a predetermined course of action for both working groups.  This is not supportive of our heritage, our ancient town or our culture. This will hardly be news to those aware of the legal notice already given to the Surrey Archaeological Society.

“It concerns me greatly, because of the possible impact on our town. Dissent is not accepted within these working groups.What will be proposed? How much damage will be done by a strategy that recognises the price of everything and the value of nothing?”

Cllr Davis responded last night (September 25). “What started it was her article [the letter to the Guildford Dragon], “breaking ranks” from our challenge on the museum working group.

The article quoted wrong facts, not having checked with me or anyone else. Ironically, Susan had not actually attended a meeting by then. I agreed with experienced councillors from other parties that the group should be cross party, hence the invitations.”

“Susan is a campaigner, and didn’t seem to realise that she should have settled into the group, checked the accuracy of certain facts, and then made her feelings known in the group.

“That is the normal way, and it was scheduled that there should be public consultation, after the group reports to the Executive. In fact, Gavin Morgan is doing that for us anyway, through his Guildford Heritage Forum.

“The GGG party are still represented on the committees with [Cllr] David Reeve, who is playing a capable and active role. I’m not sure therefore if this really is news?

The Electric Theatre

The Electric Theatre

“I was just exercising my right as chairman to ensure that the group does not get sidetracked from its task, following advice.

“With regard to the Electric [Theatre], a press release is scheduled for Monday.”

A claim that the theatre review group also encompassed the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre has been denied by Cllr Davis.

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Responses to Councillor Expelled From Review Groups After She Writes To The Dragon

  1. Sue Fox Reply

    September 26, 2015 at 12:08 pm

    I had thought that we lived in a democracy where there was free speech. Apparently not according to the ruling party.

    Members of working groups are not cyphers to keep quiet and support the chair in whatever he/she wants to do. Chairing any group is to enable discussion and produce proposals for decisions. How many minority reports have been produced which have been decisive?

    As chair you work with whoever is nominated, you do not pick and choose who you want.

  2. Garry Walton Reply

    September 26, 2015 at 1:10 pm

    Welcome to the dictatorship state of GBC where the residents are not allowed to know what is going on and anyone who lets them know is banished. Disgusting.

  3. Jenny Procter Reply

    September 26, 2015 at 5:21 pm

    Further proof, if needed, that democracy is indeed dead in Guildford. Voicing a perfectly reasonable opinion on a matter which has been in the public domain for quite a while has now become a punishable offence.

  4. Adam Aaronson Reply

    September 26, 2015 at 7:34 pm

    Cllr Davis says, “The article quoted wrong facts, not having checked with me or anyone else. Ironically, Susan had not actually attended a meeting by then. I agreed with experienced councillors from other parties that the group should be cross party, hence the invitations.”

    Perhaps someone could explain what Cllr Davis means by “wrong facts”. If it is a fact, it can’t be wrong. The definition of a fact is “a thing that is known or proved to be true”. I am left feeling rather confused.

  5. Mary Bedforth Reply

    September 26, 2015 at 8:45 pm

    This is outrageous.

  6. Russell Morris Reply

    September 27, 2015 at 7:44 am

    So Cllr Davis is concerned that Cllr Parker released the “wrong facts.” I think his use of those two words might tell us all we need to know.

  7. Jim Allen Reply

    September 27, 2015 at 10:43 am

    While Susan Parker can be outspoken – so can I.

    I consider this action a deliberate attempt to shut down democracy.

    It is time Guildford Borough Council that our fathers and grandfathers fought against those who paid lip service to democracy. How long can we tolerate it this kind of behaviour here?

  8. John Robson Reply

    September 27, 2015 at 10:56 am

    More schoolboy politics from the Executive – play nicely or you can’t come on my committee.

    To be honest I didn’t even know Guildford had a museum, which may be part of the problem, but thanks to Cllr Davis’s approach we certainly do now.

    Guildford Borough Council doesn’t do real consultation, all trajectories have been set, the local plan shambles is testament to that. This was just supposed to just be a little quiet asset stripping exercise, the Conservatives forte.

    Seems to me if the review group chairman is incapable of facilitating a sensible debate on these issues he should maybe seek some further advice on his own position.

  9. Ben Paton Reply

    September 27, 2015 at 11:36 am

    Many may think that Cllr Davis’ disapproval is a badge of honour, a commendation of Mrs Parker and an unwarranted slight on 20,622 people who voted for her party.

  10. Jules Cranwell Reply

    September 27, 2015 at 12:47 pm

    What can we expect if we allow a property developer to be put in charge of our heritage?

  11. Eddie Russell Reply

    September 28, 2015 at 10:41 am

    Another entry in Private Eye’s “Rotten Boroughs”?

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