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Councillor Says He Was Removed From Committee Over Views On Link Road Plans

Published on: 13 Mar, 2016
Updated on: 15 Mar, 2016

Guildford borough councillor Bob McShee (Con, Worplesdon) has been been removed from a committee of borough and county councillors. It follows views he made at a council meeting on the proposed Clay Lane Link Road.

Bob McShee 01

Cllr Bob McShee.

At the recent full council meeting on February 10 Cllr McShee spoke against a motion proposed by Cllr Matt Furniss (Con, Christchurch) and seconded by the leader of the council, Paul Spooner (Con, Ash South & Tongham), asking them to clarify the council’s position on a petition calling for the planning application of the Clay Lane Link Road to be delayed until Highways England gives more information about its plans to widen the A3.

Cllr McShee asked for clarification to be reworded to reflect a council statement that the application would be delayed by 18 months. Since then he says he has now been removed from his seat on the Local Committee by Cllr Spooner.

This committee discusses a number of issues including highways, social care, education and young people. It is made of up 10 Surrey county councillors and 10 Guildford borough councillors.

In a statement, Cllr McShee said: “I think that it is regrettable that the leader of the council decided to remove me from the Local Committee because of my behaviour at last month’s council meeting in response to the debate about the Clay Lane Link Road petition.

“I have since apologised to all the Conservative members present at the meeting.

“My priority is to serve the residents of Worplesdon above any party politics.”

See previous story about the Clay Lane Link Road proposal.

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Responses to Councillor Says He Was Removed From Committee Over Views On Link Road Plans

  1. Jan Messinger Reply

    March 14, 2016 at 7:12 am

    Cllr Bob McShee is a very hard working borough councillor especially for those in Worplesdon. I feel he should be back on the local committee. I hope Cllr Spooner reconsiders his actions on this item for the benefit of all the residents who value Cllr McShee and all he does.

  2. Bernard Parke Reply

    March 14, 2016 at 7:56 am

    It seems very sad that this councillor should be penalised for doing his job: speaking out on behalf of the people who voted for him.

  3. George Dokimakis Reply

    March 14, 2016 at 8:08 am

    God help us all if anyone is not towing the Conservative party line.

    There was hope that since Mr Mansbridge left, things would improve at the council. Not any more. Cllr Spooner seems to be holding his mantle up high.

    Mr Dokimakis is a member of the Labour party.

  4. Jim Allen Reply

    March 14, 2016 at 2:57 pm

    I would say to Cllr McShee that there was and is no requirement to apologise. He did nothing wrong. Given the comment made by the council leader, Cllr Spooner, on the night [Cllr Spooner caled Cllr McShee’s amendment stupid] it is he who should be apologise, not only to you but the whole electorate.

    It was such a petty minded, bottom of the barrel response to someone who was simply doing his job, representing all his constituents – not simply those who voted for him.

  5. Jules Cranwell Reply

    March 17, 2016 at 12:05 am

    I believe this is the second time Cllr McShee has been sacked from this committee, for speaking out, first by the discredited Mansbridge/Juneja regime. We now have a repeat.

    Cllr Spooner should most certainly apologise for such insulting behaviour towards one of the few respected, and hardworking councillors of any stripe.

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