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Letter: Covid Isn’t the Only Battle, What About the War With Developers?

Published on: 29 Jan, 2021
Updated on: 29 Jan, 2021

From: Norma Miller

In response to: Comment: Effingham Doublespeak – Its Ignored Plan Is Really Respected

As a resident of Effingham for the past 40 years, I am totally disheartened, and indeed upset, by the recent applications to increase the number of houses to be built within the village.

I will admit to not fully understanding the complexities of planning law but to see the Neighbourhood Plan virtually ignored beggars belief.

What can be done to stop the stampede of housing development fuelled by the greed of the developers?

The Church Street site, an increase from nine to 17 houses. I thought this had already been decided. Why the increase?

Adding more than 100 homes to help pay for the questionable new school will add tremendous pressure to the issues raised at earlier meetings with Berkley Homes.

They have already reduced the size of the car park to allow for extra housing and it was pointed out that there would be severe problems with the planned route for sewerage drainage.

The question was asked if all mains services be sufficient for all the increased needs. If I remember correctly, no real effort had been made to address these issues.

Where will all the extra cars go? In an area such as ours, with extremely limited public transport, personal transport is essential. The suggested parking spaces allowed for each size of dwelling is not realistic for modern times.

Think of our Effingham and Bookham railway stations. How will they cope with extra demand for parking or are we assuming most people will continue to work from home?

Think of school traffic, especially those older students who have their own transport.

Think of the added pressure on our local doctors. They are already stretched to the limit with additional services being added routinely to their practices.

Think also about what the Wisley development will add to these problems.

Since 1964, I have lived in Cobham, Great Bookham and Effingham, thoroughly enjoying the value of our green belt. What a great pity that it is slowly being destroyed for our future generations.

We need our parish councillors to stand together in support of our Effingham Neighbourhood Plan. At present, in my humble opinion, Covid 19 is not the only enemy we are fighting.

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