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Cyclist Representative Calls For Action At Guildford Gyratory Exhibition

Published on: 18 May, 2013
Updated on: 18 May, 2013
The Gyratory problem causes pensive looks at the current exhibition at Holy Trinity Church

The Gyratory problem causes pensive looks at the current exhibition at Holy Trinity Church

A steady flow of citizens were visiting the council exhibition at Holy Trinity Church this afternoon and one, a former councillor, called for some action on behalf of cyclists in the town.

260 visitors, including schoolchildren, had attended by 4pm Friday and 120 people had visited the exhibition on Thursday at the YMCA. It can still be viewed today at Holy Trinity Church in the High Street until 5pm today (Saturday, May 18)

The exhibition is being jointly presented by Surrey County Council (SCC) and Guildford Borough Council (GBC). Council officers from both organisations were on hand to answer questions.

Visitors were invited to peruse four display boards which defined problems and issues with the gyratory and also put forward a range of possible solutions including introducing two way traffic flows.

One visitor explains to a council officer his solution.

One visitor explains to a council officer his solution.

Once visitors had viewed the information boards they were encouraged to answer a questionnaire. Most appeared willing to do so.

A SCC officer said that the completed questionnaires will be collated and analysed, and good suggestions will be incorporated into the eventual improvement plan.

Guildford resident Keith Chesterton, a former county councillor, who represents cyclists on a local transport committee, said whilst visiting the exhibition: “I am pleased that we are looking at alternatives.

“We need greater safety for cyclists. Cyclists need to feel that they belong on roads in the town rather than sense a feeling of oppression caused by the close presence of motor vehicles travelling at speed.

“We have seen similar proposals in the past but nothing seemed to happen. This time I hope the ideas lead to some action.”

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