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Did You See Suspicious Incident Near Burpham?

Published on: 31 Oct, 2018
Updated on: 2 Nov, 2018

A suspicious incident near Burpham has left police appealing for witnesses to what appeared to be an altercation between a man and a woman near to the ambulance station on the London Road.

A police spokesperson said: “We are appealing for witnesses following a suspicious incident in [sic] Burpham yesterday afternoon (October 30).

“At around 1.40pm on London Road, a member of the public called us to report what appeared to be an altercation between a man and a woman.

“It was reported that both parties then drove off in the same car towards Aldi and the A3.”

Detective Sergeant Jo Smith from West Surrey CID said: “Were you travelling along London Road in Burpham on Tuesday afternoon? Did you see something that didn’t look quite right?

“Due to the concerning nature of the call, we need to hear from anyone who may have seen the incident or may have any dashcam footage that could help our enquiries.

“Similarly, if it was yourself involved in this incident then please come forward so we can ensure all persons involved are OK.”

Anyone with information is asked to call Surrey Police on 101 quoting PR/P18260640. Alternatively, Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555.

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