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Dragon Interview: North Street Redevelopment

Published on: 2 Apr, 2019
Updated on: 3 Apr, 2019

After years of inactivity, the redevelopment of North Street is said to be getting closer.

John Rigg, Caroline Reeves and Geoff Davis talk to Hugh Coakley (right) about the North Street redevelopment.

In a bid to glean a bit more about the progress being made and some of the views of town centre candidates due to stand of the borough council election on May 2, Hugh Coakley of The Guildford Dragon NEWS spoke to three of them.

The North Street regeneration area.

Questions posed include:

How can we be confident we don’t have another unwanted development foisted on the town?

How much affordable housing should the scheme include?

What will be the style guidelines, how high will it be?

Will the public be consulted?

(Please note: Viewers might need to turn the volume up to full.)

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Responses to Dragon Interview: North Street Redevelopment

  1. A Atkinson Reply

    April 3, 2019 at 9:38 am

    Why does Cllr Reeves look like this is the last place she wants to be, a face like thunder.

  2. Bill Stokoe Reply

    April 5, 2019 at 9:47 am

    North Street represents the most exciting prospect for Friary & St Nicolas ward over the past 20 years, where a large area of the ward has lain fallow and neglected. The key to success will lie in the brief given to the developer. People and placemaking must be at the forefront of the brief. As an active member of Guildford Vision Group as well, I look forward to playing an enthusiastic part in helping to shape this important scheme for the town, ward and borough.

    Bill Stokoe, is a Conservative candidate for Friary & St Nicolas in the borough council election May 2

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