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Dragon Interview: Peace Party Candidate John Morris

Published on: 13 Jun, 2024
Updated on: 15 Jun, 2024

Which candidate will you choose to support on July 4th?

Many of you might have already made up your minds but do you really know what the various candidates think about topical issues and concerns of the day?

To help your evaluation Dragon editor Martin Giles has interviewed each of the candidates in some depth to get their thoughts on five subjects. Similar questions were posed to each to help facilitate comparison. See what you make of their performances and policies…

The interviews were all recorded between June 7 and June 11. The sequence of publication was drawn by lot.

The third interview is with the Peace Party candidate John Morris…

John Morris’s summary cv, as written by him at The Dragon’s request:

I am a retired geography and geology teacher and administrator in school examinations and adult education.

I am also an amateur weather observer with basic instrumentation, contributing monthly climate data to the Climatological Observers Link. At various times I have served as its chair and treasurer.

I’m chair of the Peace Research and Education Trust, established by the Peace Pledge Union. I was also chair, for a while, of the Fellowship Party and later helped to form The Peace Party – Non-violence, Justice, Environment.

I currently hold various offices within the Religious Society of Friends in Guildford and area.

See also: Voters Attend Dragon Hustings to Hear Candidates Face Pressing Questions

All Guildford Constituency candidate interviews have now been published and can be found here.

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