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Dramatic Pictures: Nature’s Way As A Stoat Attacks A Rabbit!

Published on: 6 Jan, 2016
Updated on: 6 Jan, 2016

Here are two of a sequence of dramatic pictures showing a stoat attacking a rabbit.

Stoat at Pagham soon makes ground on rabbit. Clickj on pictures to enlarge in a new window.They were taken by The Guildford Dragon NEWS’ birdwatching correspondent Malcolm Fincham on New Year’s Day.

A stoat is capable of killing animals much larger than itself.

A stoat is capable of killing animals much larger than itself.

To see this drama of nature unfold in full click here and view his latest report – it being his 100th.

Malcolm has been filing his regular reports for nearly as long as the Dragon has been publishing.

They are always full of superb photographs of birds and other wildlife that he observes in the Guildford area and beyond.

Many readers now regularly read his reports throughout the seasons that contain his true countryman’s knowledge.

If you haven’t discovered his stories and pictures within our Nature heading, why not have a look now…

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