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Electrical Fault Caused Clandon Park House Blaze

Published on: 29 Nov, 2015
Updated on: 30 Nov, 2015

An electrical fault was the likely cause of the blaze that swept through Clandon Park House and was an accident.

Rubble inside Marble Hall - Photo supplied by NT

Rubble inside Marble Hall – Photo supplied by NT © John Millar

These are the findings by Surrey Fire & Rescue that it has published in a report that states the fire was most likely the result of a faulty connection in the electrical distribution board.

The report adds that a lack of fire protection to the fuse cupboard ceiling and the National Trust home’s historic design allowed the fire to spread.

No-one was injured in the blaze that ripped through the 18th-century building on April 29, 2015.

The Grade I building was reduced to a shell, although a number of items were recovered by staff, volunteers, and firefighters.

The National Trust’s director-general, Helen Ghosh, said: “The fire at Clandon was a terrible blow, with the loss of such a significant historic interior and so much of the important collections it housed. The response of staff, volunteers and the local community showed how much Clandon meant to so many people.

“The report from Surrey Fire and Rescue Service is welcome and important to us. The fact that we had a well-rehearsed salvage plan meant we were able to save a number of significant items from the fire, and our fire detection systems also operated as they should have done.

“But we’re certainly not complacent and we now will be working with the fire service to identify any areas for improvement in any of our properties.

“We have already begun a full review of our processes and systems to see where they can be strengthened further. If there are lessons for us to learn – we will act upon them and share them with others who look after historic buildings.”

The full report can be read by clicking here.

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