By David Reading
Residents of Ash Green reported this week that yet another road accident in White Lane has strengthened their campaign for strict measures to make the road safer.
The latest accident involving a car is reported to have happened on Sunday morning (November 12), near the junction with Poyle Road, and resulted in the police closing White Lane.
An ambulance was seen at the site of the accident although oddly, neither the police nor the South East Coast Ambulance Service can find any record of the accident.
The Ash Green Residents Association (AGRA) has set up a community speed watch group and is campaigning for Surrey County Council to take action. On social media, it has been suggested that speed cameras would be an effective option.
For some time, residents have been alarmed at the speeds of some of the cars and lorries travelling along White Lane, which has a 30mph limit.
White Lane is the major road through the village running from the Hog’s Back to Foreman Road.
Although it is not known for sure if speed was a factor in the latest incident, there are fears that an even more serious accident could be on the cards, caused by drivers exceeding the limit.
AGRA has recruited a band of volunteers to form a community speed watch group, led by resident Howard Watson, who is setting up training.
It was Mr Watson who reported the latest accident to fellow residents on social media, saying that he came across the closed road, the crashed car and the police and ambulance in attendance at around 11.40am. Contacted by The Guildford Dragon, Surrey police and the ambulance service said they could find no record of the accident.
Frequently residents report that they have seen traffic travelling at speed along White Lane.
Mr Watson said: “The recent reduction in the speed limit from 40 to 30 mph through the hamlet seems to have made little difference to vehicle speeds.
“We approached the police regarding a Community Speedwatch programme, which we have now set up, and we hope to have this running soon once the training has been completed.”
Sunday’s accident was the second within just over a month. On October 10, two people were injured in a collision involving two cars in White Lane.
Cllr Matt Furniss, Surrey County Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Economic Growth, said he had nominated White Lane and the White Lane/Poyle Road junction for major improvements for 2024/5. He said he was working closely with the police.
Some residents of Ash Green have reported their experiences on social media.
“Walking along there earlier at least two cars shot past me – must have been doing at least 70.”
“So terrifying how fast the cars are going and how many more people are using the road at speed.”
“Driving down White Lane yesterday some idiot decided to overtake me near Hazel Road with a car approaching from the opposite direction. If I hadn’t braked he would have hit head-on.”
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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