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Engineers And Designers Step Up To Help Solve Issues Linked To Covid-19

Published on: 27 Apr, 2020
Updated on: 28 Apr, 2020

Engineers and designers are volunteering their skills to overcome problems associated with the Covid-19 pandemic.

About 240 skilled people in the UK have registered with the Institute of Engineering Designers, which is leading on the project in conjunction with Keele University.

However, informing organisations (specifically the NHS) and encouraging them to get in contact if they need assistance has proved harder. A retired engineer from Guildford has appealed to local media to help spread the word.

The initiative is that immediate challenges as set by NHS workers, patients, carers, the elderly and other sectors who may need engineering and design solutions can be worked on by talented engineers and designers.

Professor Peter Ogrodnik, of the School of Pharmacy and Bioengineering, Keele University, said: “Although we are getting good media coverage in the engineering press, we are finding it hard to get into the mainstream media.”

Professor Peter Ogrodnik, of the School of Pharmacy and Bioengineering, Keele University.

Organisations can register a need on the website and importantly this is open to any care workers or healthcare staff.

Engineers and designers who would like to volunteer their services can register with the Institute of Engineering Designers by clicking here.

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