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Facts and Figures Reveal Grim Details of Covid-19’s Bitter Toll

Published on: 7 Apr, 2020
Updated on: 8 Apr, 2020

By Martin Giles

Surrey lies third in the published national league table today (April 7) for recorded coronavirus infections, with 887 confirmed cases. But the table lists only upper-tier local authority areas and these can vary greatly in size.

London is listed by its individual boroughs and top-of-the-table Birmingham is shown as one entry. At the extreme bottom of the league, Rutland has only six cases among and just 38,000 residents. Some authority areas have no cases and are unlisted.

Experts agree the real infection rate is much higher than those confirmed because those who show only mild or no symptoms are not tested.

The published statistics for Covid-19 cases and related deaths again confirm that the disease is having a significantly greater impact in London than the rest of the South East region. And the further one lives from London, the lower are infection and death rates.

To date, the Royal Surrey has had 19 Covis-19-related deaths, the lowest of the five Surrey NHS Trusts. But hospital sizes vary and their catchment areas do not necessarily conform with county boundaries.

Staff at Surrey hospitals are understood to be bracing themselves for an increased intake of cases over the next fortnight and local leaders are continuing their pleas for everyone to stay at home as much as possible and carefully respect social distancing rules.


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