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Fairlands WI Suspended: Hopes That One Day It Will Reform

Published on: 14 Nov, 2016
Updated on: 12 Nov, 2016

By Val Dillon

WI logoIt would be wonderful if Fairlands WI, phoenix-like, could rise from the ashes.

Unfortunately, the group has been suspended. It has been known for a WI group to be re-formed after a number of years.

There is a contingency plan, in that the National Federation of Women’s Institutes holds some money in reserve to help set up a new group. Should someone come forward in the future to do so, there is help and advice at hand.

The group was formed in 1964 by some young mums living on the estate.

Sandra Morgan was a founder member and has served as president twice over the years. At the annual meeting in November she was given the president’s brooch to keep.

The suspension of a WI group is a complicated business and Pip Davis, the local advisor, was there to oversee the formalities.

The historical scrapbook which was started in the 1960s, and has been beautifully restored, was on show at the meeting. This will remain in a display box at Farlands Community Centre committee room for everyone to enjoy.

Some artefacts can go to the Surrey History Centre archivist and other items may go to other WI groups or be used by groups within the Fairlands, Liddington Hall and Gravetts Lane Community Association.

At the meeting, some of the old scrapbooks and photographs were available to be pored over and gifts of potted plants were given to committee members.

A finger buffet was enjoyed and members were able to catch up with old friends over the cheese and wine.

On December 14 there will be a farewell party which will be a poignant occasion.

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