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Farewell To The Forresters As Demolition Team Moves In

Published on: 26 Mar, 2013
Updated on: 28 Mar, 2013

Demolition work has started on a part of the former Forresters pub in Charlotteville, as these photos by local resident Ian Nicholls show.

Walls come tumbling down at the former Forresters pub in Charlotteville.

Walls come tumbling down at the former Forresters pub in Charlotteville.

Back in September 2012, Guildford Borough Council’s planning committee approved a planning application to partially demolish it and convert it into homes.

As The Guildford Dragon NEWS reported back then, views of nearby residents were reported to be sharply divided on the issue. Three letters of objection had been received suggesting that the pub was an important facility for the Charlotteville community and that it could thrive under the right management. Four letters had been received in support of the application saying that this was the best use of a dilapidated building and that residential use was preferable.

Scaffolding around the building. This photo was taken by Ian Nicholls on Saturday, March 23.

Scaffolding around the building. This photo was taken by local resident Ian Nicholls on Saturday, March 23.

In emailing the photos Mr Nicholls writes: “The sad end to another pub, after 140 years serving the community!

“I thought you would be interested in these photos showing the end of the Forresters or Pig and Tater as some locals will still remember it as.

The building before the partial demolition work started.

The building before the partial demolition work started.

“I was reading about the history of this pub in Mark Sturley’s book, The Breweries and Public Houses of Guildford. It would appear to date from 1869.

“I am not sure when the pub was extended, but the demolition work has revealed what must have been the original external wall at the back.

“I believe at one time the pub was used to make coffins. That took place in the cellar – a bit Sweeney Todd like! I wonder if any readers of the Dragon have memories of this pub over the years?

Certainly. If you have a story to tell about this Guildford pub, or for that matter any other ‘lost pubs’ we’d love to hear from you. Please leave a reply in the box below.

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Responses to Farewell To The Forresters As Demolition Team Moves In

  1. Chris Pegman Reply

    March 28, 2013 at 11:39 am

    What a shame. Its the local community that loses out with this.

  2. Sevy Singh Reply

    April 1, 2013 at 9:29 am

    The local community had a cornershop/post office and a local butcher too but didn’t use those outlets either, so no point lamenting, the locals made their choice.

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