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Finally, Damaged Information Panel To Be Removed

Published on: 30 Jan, 2024
Updated on: 31 Jan, 2024

Damaged information board, Castle Street

By Martin Giles

A town information panel, thought to have been damaged in late October, is only now to be removed and made safe by Surrey County Council.

The panel, at the end of Chapel Street in Guildford town centre, is one of a set introduced to Guildford over a decade ago to give visitors information on the town. It is said to have been damaged when a delivery lorry backed into it.

A spokesman for SCC said: “We have placed an order for it to be removed and made safe, and this should be done soon. The borough is aware of the plan and isn’t looking to fund a replacement.”

The Dragon initially asked Guildford Borough Council about the panel but was told it was a county council responsibility.

Ben Darnton

Ben Darnton from nearby Ben’s Records commented:”I think it is disgraceful it has taken so long for the county council to attend to this damaged sign. It has looked dreadful for months in its damaged taped-up state.

“It seems to be just another indication of the poor level of maintenance in the town – and don’t even ask me about the street furniture, railings, bollards and potholes!”

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Responses to Finally, Damaged Information Panel To Be Removed

  1. Fiona Yeomans Reply

    January 31, 2024 at 5:30 pm

    Long overdue! It creates a very bad impression of neglect at you pass it. Why didn’t GBC press harder for SCC to replace it sooner?

  2. Jenny Pearson Reply

    January 31, 2024 at 7:00 pm

    There are several small saplings which are establishing themselves in the ancient wall abutting the Castle Arch on Castle Hill.
    The Museum staff assure me they have asked the Council to deal with these before they ruin this historic wall as they grow.
    This job is just a few yards from the Castle Gardens – why don’t the Council get the gardeners to deal with these saplings for goodness sake? The Council are storing up much greater expense as these saplings grow, expand and damage the wall.
    Who agrees ? Particularly at the Council!!

  3. Roland Dunster Reply

    February 6, 2024 at 6:15 pm

    Welcome to Guildford where every corner and environment of the borough is shamefully covered in litter, graffiti has been allowed to reach similar levels and vandalism and decay of infrastructure are the norm.

    Until national and local authorities (including GBC and SCC) proactively (and overtly) enforce laws and fines, such consequence-free crimes will continue unabated, incurring avoidable high annual maintenance costs.

    Treat the causes and not just the symptoms, and rather than continuing to pander to the perpetrators through inaction, provide a healthy and beautiful living environment for the law abiding, and long-suffering, majority.

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