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Fishermen’s Friends Singer Dies After G Live Accident

Published on: 12 Feb, 2013
Updated on: 12 Feb, 2013
Fisherman's Friend's website

Fisherman’s Friend’s website

Trevor Grills, the Fisherman’s Friends singer, who was injured at G Live on Saturday, has died in hospital.

Trevor Grills

Trevor Grills

Mr Grills , 54, from Port Isaac, Cornwall was struck by a four-and-a-half tonne metal door in an accident while making preparations for a concert at the entertainment on Saturday evening.

He suffered serious head injuries, and was taken to St George’s Hospital in Tooting. His colleague and the band’s tour manager Paul McMullen, 44, from Disley in Stockport, whose legs were crushed by the door, died at the scene.

Surrey Police has reported that Mr Grills died on Monday night.

The incident is subject to Health and Safety Executive and Surrey Police investigations.

A statement received by The Guildford Dragon NEWS said: “The Fisherman’s Friends announce with great sadness that their friend and fellow band member Trevor Grills passed away last night as a result of severe head injuries inflicted during an accident on Saturday, February 9.

“Trevor was a much loved and valued friend to all of us and was an integral part of the Port Isaac community. He will be sadly missed. Our thoughts are with Trevor’s family at this very difficult time.”

The president of Island Records, Darcus Beese, has added: “We are all deeply saddened at losing Trevor. The Fishermen’s Friends are exactly that: life long partners in all they do and our thoughts and prayers go out to them and Trevor’s family and friends.”

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Responses to Fishermen’s Friends Singer Dies After G Live Accident

  1. Darrol Radley Reply

    February 12, 2013 at 8:20 pm

    To read of this tragedy is sad but that it happened here in Guildford in such a new venue is shocking.

    I and my family have enjoyed many performances by the Fisherman’s Friends on the Plat of Port Isaac in Cornwall. Over the years of holidaying in Cornwall and staying in the village it has become a feature of the stay to listen on a Friday evening as they entertained all comers with the sun setting across the Atlantic behind them, pints in their hands and relaxed banter between the songs.

    Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family, friends and fans of these two friends who died so needlessly in Guildford on Saturday.

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