Fringe Box



Flagship BBC Politics Show Broadcasts From Worplesdon Memorial Hall

Published on: 16 Nov, 2019
Updated on: 16 Nov, 2019

The Any Questions panel in action at Worplesdon Memorial Hall Last night.

The BBC’s national audience could listen to Worplesdon last night (November 15) to hear political debate at top level as Radio 4’s Any Questions descended on the village.

Robert Jenrick, (Con) Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Diane Abbott (Lab) Shadow Home Secretary, Caroline Lucas (Green Party and Claire Fox MEP (Brexit) formed the panel at the Worplesdon Memorial Hall and the show, broadcast live on Radio 4, took place in front a packed audience of 150.

Top row: Claire Fox, Chris Mason, Jenrick. Below Diane Abbott and Caroline Lucas

Selected by the BBC’s political reporter Chris Mason and his team, questions included: flooding, Brexit, immigration and “what household implement would you not want to be photographed with?” a reference to recent photos of Prime Minister Boris Johnson being photographed with a mop.

The BBC crew arrive to set up.

Jan Messinger, a trustee at the hall and one of the event organisers writes, the BBC truck arrived at 10am while Worplesdon Parish council were having a flood forum meeting in the sports pavilion.

The BBC crew had to set up to be ready for live broadcast at 8.05pm.

The 150 seats could have been filled three times over.

No one ever realises the full extent of what goes on behind the scenes and we had been given only three-weeks notice so we had to move fast. Free tickets were issued in advance; the hall could have filled the 150 seats three times over, which shows how popular the political debate programme is.

Trustee Jan Messinger with Chris Mason.

Chris Mason the new presenter says his first love was radio after receiving a small radio aged six but if someone had told him he would be the first person on Mars or the next presenter of Any Questions he would have regarded either option as equally absurd.k

This morning, on his radio show, Chris mentioned last night’s programme and praised the hospitality the BBC received from Worplesdon, highlighting a homemade ginger cake made by fellow trustee Mary Broughton. The same cake was mentioned by Caroline Lucas during the show.

Yesterday, Tim Astley, caretaker/manager of the hall had everything ready for the swift transition from a pre-school setting to the required Any Questions layout. As the hall started to fill and coffee and tea were served, volunteer locals stewarded guests to the village to their seats.

The audience gave enthusiastic applause in support of more climate emergency action.

Trustee Suresh Pillai on behalf of Chris Ewbank the chairman introduced everyone to the hall, then the warm-up from a BBC Radio Surrey/Sussex reporter got the audience ready for the arrival of the panel and show producer, Lisa Jenkinson.

Local hotels Worplesdon Place and the Asperion, within walking distance of the hall were used by the BBC.

The audience were invited to put questions in the box on arrival and the production crew quickly read and selected the questions to be asked. The first came from local resident David Willis in relation to the recent flooding in the north of England.

The show will be on Radio 4 again today (Saturday 16) and anyone can listen again online. People can follow the show using or tweet using #bbcaq. Or by following @bbcpolitics.

Politicians from the local area, including Anne Milton, several local councillors and activists from political parties, each allocated five tickets, were among the audience, as were Martin Giles and Hugh Coakley from The Guildford Dragon NEWS.

Local stalwarts (Terry Cater left) who martialled the car park as the rain fell.

Special thanks should to the volunteer car parking attendants, one being former Chairman Terry Cater. They endured the rain and got everyone parked up so they could enjoy the event which was over all too quickly.

Chris Mason even told one of the organisers one person had put in 10 questions in the box on an A4 piece of paper. Such is the interest in politics, one assumes.

Worplesdon Memorial Hall trustees were delighted to host the Any Questions as they are the many regular bookings and events held there. The adjoining Sidney Sime gallery can be visited at the same venue, we have lots on offer.

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