There appears to be a new spate of graffiti appearing in Guildford. They include a series of yellow ducks, plus another image of a bearded man wearing fishnet stockings!
Parts of Guildford, such as underpasses, on walls alongside the River Wey, and on the sides of bridges, are often plagued with spates of graffiti – most often of the type known as ‘tags’ in which random words or letters are spray painted.
Now, it seems, someone or some people are spraying something more ‘artistic’. But if this is Guildford’s answer to satirical street artist Banksy, they need to brush up on their painting skills somewhat!
Currently spotted by The Guildford Dragon NEWS are three yellow ducks. There’s one of the wall of the former post office building in North Street, another on a wall beside the towpath of the River Wey near Walnut Tree Close that’s opposite Dapdune Wharf, and a further bright yellow bird on a part of the footbridge and walkway near the A3 at the foot of Woodbridge Hill.
There is also the strange and rather crude image of a man with a beard and wearing what appears to be fishnet stockings. It currently appears at two locations. On a wall near the same A3 bridge as the duck, and on the side of the BT building (telephone exchange) on the corner of Haydon Place and Leapale Lane.
The ducks seem to vary in size, but the bearded man (or is is a woman?) appears to be the same size. Perhaps it has been painted from some kind of transfer or template?
Have you seen any of these elsewhere? If so, we’d like to hear from you.
Or, do you consider them ‘art’ or just a form of vandalism?
Or perhaps the ‘artist’ responsible may like to reveal themselves and tell us what the images are all about.
How long will it be before those responsible for the structures on which they currently appear send a team to paint over them?
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This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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George Potter
March 28, 2013 at 10:30 pm
I’m no expert but I can’t help but wonder if the bearded woman is meant to be some sort of dwarf (of the Tolkien variety obviously).