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Continued Council Ownership of Sports Pavilions and Community Halls for Review

Published on: 26 Apr, 2012
Updated on: 27 Apr, 2012

Sea cadet hut TS Charlotte one of GBC's Assets due for review

Assets including community halls, sports pavilions, scout huts and allotments are to be reviewed by Guildford Borough Council.  Cllr Nigel Manning (Con Ash Vale) the lead Councillor for Service Transformation, told the Executive that the land asset list before them had taken five years for council officers to compile.

He said to the council Executive at its latest meeting: “GBC has bits of land that seem to be left over. It is essential that we undertake a review to see where they fit in to the organisation.  Some of these assets produce very important income stream… some are very useful but others are a cost.”

He continued: “If some are no good to us, we should get rid of them for the best possible price and perhaps use the proceeds to acquire other assets that will be a better source of income.”

Riverside which was used a a community centre for senior citizens

Council papers stated: “The review will be undertaken in consultation with ward councillors and relevant head if service as budget holder.”

There will be two stages in the review process. The first stage, to be reported in November 2012, will be for pavilions, community halls and clubs and the second, to be reported in March 2013, for land assets used for gardening and grazing.

Cllr Anne Meredith (Lib Dem, Friary and St Nicolas) asked Cllr Manning to give an assurance that the Executive would take seriously the views of the scrutiny committee which may not be in complete agreement with all the recommendations in the reports. Cllr Manning said that he would be very surprised and worried if there were no issues and he would be “devastated” if any observations that arose from the scrutiny process were not properly considered by the Executive.

Assets in Guildford town and the immediate area  listed include: scout/guide/cadet huts in Christchurch, the Mount, Stoke and Shalford, Stoughton and Dapdune Wharf; community halls in Friary Street, Haydon Place, Onslow, Park Barn and Stoke; sports pavilions at Stoke Park, Spectrum, Stoke, Woodbridge Road, Shalford Park, Castle Grounds, Allen House, Onslow, Stoughton and Westborough; and land used for gardening and grazing in Onslow, Shalford, Gardner Road, St Catherine’s Hill, The Mount, Halfpenny Lane,  Jacobs Well, Burpham and Stoke.

The full, detailed list can be download from the GBC website. Click here to be taken to the relevant page.

What do you think? Is the ‘asset review’ a good idea? Do you think any assets in your community are threatened by the review? Should derived income be a criterion for deciding which are retained by the council and which are not? Please send your comments using the leave a reply feature below. Lengthier comments may be published as Readers Letters.

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Responses to Continued Council Ownership of Sports Pavilions and Community Halls for Review

  1. Ollie Clokie

    April 27, 2012 at 7:34 am

    We have a borough council who abandon old people in order to build a supermarket. In a climate where older people are seen as a cost instead of an asset, what hope is there for other groups who use council property?

  2. Brian Walter

    April 28, 2012 at 9:39 am

    We need community facilities – meeting places and allotments! Whilst some of GBC owned facilities might be ‘in the wrong place’ so that a review is both necessary and important, I hope that at the end of the process, all communities in the GBC area, including new developments, have the facilities they need to support vibrant local life.

  3. Bernard Parke

    April 29, 2012 at 4:28 pm

    What do you want Guildford Borough PLC where profit comes before service?

    Remember Guildford Borough Council should provide much needed services which profit seeking companies would just not entertain.

    People in Guildford should realise that the choice is theirs and speak out now before it is too late and before we lose all such facilities!

  4. Chris Pegman

    May 2, 2012 at 9:18 am

    Typical Tory council. The old saying is still true, they know the price of everything and the value of nothing.