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George Abbot School’s Careers Evening Puts Focus On Job Market

Published on: 12 Feb, 2013
Updated on: 13 Feb, 2013

George Abbot School’s Careers 2013 evening has been hailed a success by staff, parents and students alike.

George Abbot School staff, from left:

George Abbot School staff.

The secondary school in Burpham holds the event bi-annually and this year 33 different types of careers were represented by employees from businesses and organisations who gave first-hand advice as to career choices in their respective fields.

Among those who volunteered their time were representatives from the world of accountancy to events management, journalism to nursing, and retailing to web design.

Some of those who came to talk to students and their parents about the fields they work in.

Some of those who came to talk to students and their parents about the fields they work in.

Singling out just a few, there was David Eckelberry, game director of Lionhead Studios based on the Surrey Research Park in Guildford; Ewan Grant from Guildford’s Academy of Contemporary Music, who advised parents and students on business and marketing in the music industry; Camilla Weiss from Surrey Satellite Technology; architect John Eynon; and David Rose from The Guildford Dragon News, speaking on a career in journalism.

A spokesman from George Abbot School said: “Careers 2013 was a great success. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who gave up their time to come and speak to our  students.

“We firmly belives that first-hand information is the best form of careers advice.”

The evening was organised by staff within the school’s careers and information centre departments.

Reception for the careers speakers at the start of the evening.

Reception for the careers speakers at the start of the evening.


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Responses to George Abbot School’s Careers Evening Puts Focus On Job Market

  1. Gill Perkins Reply

    February 13, 2013 at 8:00 am

    It was an excellent evening – thanks to all the business volunteers for taking part, and to the George Abbot staff for organising.

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