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Go And Join In With A Host Of Activities

Published on: 25 Sep, 2015
Updated on: 25 Sep, 2015

Everyone is welcome to go along or get involved in a number of events taking place in Westborough and Park Barn over the next two weeks, being hosted and promoted by Joining In! – the project that supports community involvement.

Joining In! logo - multicolouredThe Joining In! co-ordinator for Westborough and Park Barn is Guildford Dragon NEWS writer David Rose.

He said: “As part of the project we organise events and things that people can get involved with. I work closely with Tracy James, one of Guildford Borough Council’s community wardens, who helps with the project. Each year at about this time we have our festival of events.

David Rose“On Wednesday this week we had a community clear up with young people from the Guildford-based halow charity helping out, along with other volunteers. We also took part in a walk along the route of the Westborough fitness trail, led by Victoria Sparshott of the charity Living Streets.

Here’s what’s being linked up, all events are free to attend unless stated:

Monday, September 28: at the weekly 4getMe-Nots group that meets at the Park Barn Community Centre, Cabell Road, from 11am, David Rose will be giving an illustrated talk – Surrey Villages Then and Now.

Memories morning posterTuesday, September 29: memories morning from, 10am at the Park Barn Centre. Recording clients’ and visitors’ memories. All welcome to go along and share you memories of yesteryear, and volunteers will be welcome to help record them too. David Rose will be showing vintages pictures of Guildford from his collection, including the home front during the Second World War.

Tuesday, September 29: afternoon tea at the Park Barn Centre – invited guests will hear all about the Joining In! project and how it is connecting with so many people and organisations. 4pm to 5.30pm. Volunteers may like to help serve refreshments. If you would like to attend, contact David Rose on 07825 419408 or email

Wednesday, September 30: fun for young people with the Play Rangers at Westborough Woods, off Woodside Road, 3.30pm to 5.30pm. Come along and see what fun they have.

Thursday, October 1: Grassroots meeting. Hosted by community warden Tracy James (part of the north Guildford wardens’ team) – a must for those interested and connected with community matters. 11am to 2pm, with option of lunch, at Westborough United Reformed Church, Southway.

A Night of TerrorFriday, October 2: Joining In! men’s group, St Clare’s Church Hall, Park Barn, 2pm to 4pm. David Rose and fellow historian Martin Giles will be giving their fascinating illustrated talk with sound clips – A Night of Terror, all about the infamous Zeppelin raid on Guildford, nearly 100 years ago exactly, during the First World War. All welcome – men and women of all ages.

Tuesday, October 6: walk in conjunction with Living Streets. To promote healthy and enjoyable walking, David Rose and Martin Giles will lead a walk to one of Guildford’s least-known historical sites once visited by royalty and now adjacent to the Surrey Sports Park. You will also see and perhaps be amazed at the development going on here with the construction of the University of Surrey’s new school of veterinary. Come and have your say on what you will see! The circular walk starts from the Park Barn Centre at 2pm.

Friday, October 9: cycling and recycling for all ages: Get your bike security marked for free, get tips on bike maintenance, see the work of the Guildford Bike Project and visit the repair cafe, all taking place outside the shops in Southway. 1pm to 5pm. Volunteers welcome to help out.

Swap Shop posterSaturday, October 10: Swap shop at the Park Barn Community Centre. 11.30am to 1pm. Go along with stuff you no longer need and then, if you wish, feel free to take home things others are giving away. Volunteers welcome to help set up, serve refreshments, and so on.

Saturday, October 10: Concert at St Clare’s Church featuring the local Rhythm of Life community choir and Surrey Fringe close-harmony singers. This fundraising concert promises to be an evening of great music. Admission on the door: £5 adults and £3 children, to include refreshments. Concert starts at 7.30pm.

See Joining In! website for any updated details and more about the project that is managed by Voluntary Action South West Surrey.
Call David Rose on 07825 419408 for more details, especially if you’d like to be involved.

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