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Guildford & District RSPB Group Members Show Their Photographic Skills

Published on: 10 Sep, 2020
Updated on: 14 Sep, 2020

The RSPB Guildford & District Local Group has moved its meetings online and is proud to show some great photo taken by its members. 

The group reports that it usually enjoys birdwatching outdoors or holds indoor meetings with illustrated talks, but instead held its first online photo competition, and more than 60 participants logged in to take part.

More than 60 high-quality photographs taken during the last year were assessed by members who then voted for their favourite image.

While the votes were counted the group enjoyed a presentation by author and conservationist Conor Jameson about that rare bird of prey, the goshawk.

Rob Cooke’s photo of a misty River Wey. Click on all pictures to enlarge in a new window.

Rob Cooke’s portrayal of a misty River Wey secured him first place in the category Landscapes of Britain.

Margo Scott’s image of a nazca booby.

Margo Scott’s visit to the Galapagos helped secure the category Wild World with her image of a nazca booby silhouetted against the setting sun.

Andrew Kingston’s photo of a comma butterfly.

Waxcap fungus photographed by Andrew Kingston.

Andrew Kingston came up trumps with his portraits of a comma butterfly and waxcap fungi in the categories Beasts and Beasties in Britain and Flora and Fungi.

A pair of barn owls photographed by Len Walker.

Len Walker’s striking image of barn owls secured top of the pile in the Birds in Britain category and also winner of the overall picture award, the Koniotes trophy.

The group says that the afternoon went without any technical glitches. It plans to stream a number of presentations for members starting from September 23, when the new season begins online with photographer Bill Coster, who will talk about his journey to Antarctica and his stunning photographic portrayals of king penguins.

Group leader Margo Scott said: “It was great to welcome so many of our members online, with everyone rising admirably to the challenge of the new technology.

“I was delighted with the high standard of the entries and the variety of subjects. Congratulations to the worthy winners.”

The photos, and those from previous years, can be seen on the group’s website and Facebook page, along with more information about the group.

Other images entered included this photo of great spotted woodpeckers by Diana Forder.

And a blue tit photographed by Malcolm Toyer.

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Responses to Guildford & District RSPB Group Members Show Their Photographic Skills

  1. Winifred Paine Reply

    September 11, 2020 at 5:10 pm

    Just great pictures, especially of the barn owls. Good to know there still some left. I support a charity which rescues them.

  2. Juliet Hills Reply

    September 12, 2020 at 4:02 pm

    If you had a caption competition for the barn owls, I would submit “I know I have only one leg but I’m still a good mouser.”

  3. Peta Malthouse Reply

    September 17, 2020 at 8:56 pm

    Just wow!

  4. Susan Swinchatt Reply

    September 18, 2020 at 2:09 pm

    What amazingly beautiful photographs.

    Thank you so much for sharing.

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