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Guildford Institute Now Offering Online Learning

Published on: 5 Apr, 2020
Updated on: 7 Apr, 2020

The Guildford Institute is now offering its education services online.

For more than 170 years it has been working for and with the local community. Its mission is to provide an educational, cultural and social community hub in the heart of Guildford, in Ward Street,  offering a special place for people of all backgrounds to meet, learn and explore. 

The Guildford Institute is now offering online learning as its normal courses have been suspended due to the coronavirus.

The current crisis is as great as any the Guildford Institute has experienced during that time. It has been forced to close its doors for all its talks, courses, its meeting rooms and its award-winning vegetarian café.

The Guildford Institute is a place for people to come together and share learning and experience; not something anyone can do at present. 

It is is determined to learn new ways of keeping in touch with the people of Guildford and finding alternative methods of delivering their courses.

The Guildford Institute in Ward Street. Picture by Mike Sleigh.

Its staff and tutors have been working incredibly hard over the last few weeks to establish an online programme for many of the courses that are scheduled to take place throughout the summer term.

Already in place are a series of art, language and history courses which people can register for now – and more are being converted to online every day.

Manager Amy Rice said: “The Guildford Institute is determined that we will still be able to offer education, community and interest even in these challenging times. We think we can still bring people together, even if it does now have to be online!”

Details are evolving all the time, so please check to see what you could be doing.

Story based on a press release from the Guildford Institute.

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