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Guildford MP Votes Against Same Sex Marriage

Published on: 22 May, 2013
Updated on: 24 May, 2013
Guildford MP Anne Milton

Guildford MP Anne Milton

Anne Milton, MP for Guildford, voted against same sex marriage last night in the House of Commons. Previously she had abstained saying that she was aware the views in her constituency were divided on the issue.

In a note sent to constituents who had contacted her about the subject and her voting intentions, Ms Milton stated: “Can I thank you again for contacting me about the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill. I am very appreciative of the time people have taken to let me know their views on this.

“Two days were given to the debate on the Report Stage and the Third Reading of the Bill. There were several votes on a variety of amendments…

“However the final vote was on the Third Reading which I voted against. I am aware that this will be disappointing to some people. The Bill will now proceed to the House of Lords. It will however return to the House of Commons at some point for its final stages.

“Many thanks again for continuing to keep in touch with me about this. I will make sure you are kept up to date about the passage of the Bill.”

The conservative party has been made aware of strong feelings on the issue amongst its grass-root supporters. One conservative candidate in the recent county council elections is reported to have said that it was the issue most frequently raised during his canvassing.

MPs were given a free vote on the issue. Most conservatives joined Anne Milton in voting against the Bill whilst the Prime Minister voted in favour together with the majority of MPs.

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Responses to Guildford MP Votes Against Same Sex Marriage

  1. Pauline Surrey Reply

    May 23, 2013 at 7:57 pm

    I think it is a pity.

  2. Jim Allen Reply

    May 24, 2013 at 4:56 pm

    What is a pity, that Anne Milton voted against something which was never in a party manifesto and was undemocratically introduced? Something that would affect less than 0.0036% of the population of Guildford Borough.

    What next? Introduction of legislation to extradite UKIP to the Isle of Wight and the EDL (English Defence League) to Lundy Isle?

    It is a very dangerous precedent to introduce legislation which is not in any party manifesto.

    • Daniel Bennett Reply

      May 27, 2013 at 10:09 pm

      Plenty of legislation gets passed without being mentioned in any manifesto.

      Political parties aren’t bound by their marketing materials and MPs are not constrained to vote in line with their election promises. It’s a shame but this is far from the most egregious example.

      If it effects only 0.0036% of the population then why worry about it?

  3. Andrew Norman Reply

    May 25, 2013 at 9:44 am

    Our MP’s personal conscience should be respected. But there is an issue of equality here which arguably reveals a necessary development to be received in our society and eventually integrated. But this has to be a gradual process.

    I support progressive legislation, yet my hope is that Parliament can introduce same-sex marriage in a way that will encourage gradual acceptance and consensus rather than just create a sharp negative reaction.

    Andrew Norman is the Rector of St Nicolas

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