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Guildford To Commemorate 70th Anniversary of VE Day

Published on: 1 May, 2015
Updated on: 5 May, 2015

VE Day Churchill croppedGuildford will mark the 70th anniversary of VE Day on Friday 8 May 2015, with a two minute silence at 3pm to coincide with the time at which Winston Churchill gave his historic broadcast to the nation formally announcing the end of the war in Europe.

A bugler will sound the Last Post and Reveille along with a maroon gun salute to start and end the silence. The Mayor will observe the two minute silence on then balcony of the Guildhall.

In honour of VE Day, the Union Flag will fly at the Guildhall, Millmead, Stoke Park and the Castle from 8 – 10 May.

A Guildford Borough Council spokesperson said: “Members of the public are warmly invited to attend and commemorate this historic event.”

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