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Guildford’s MP Announces Three EU Debates

Published on: 4 May, 2016
Updated on: 5 May, 2016

EU&UK FlagsGuildford’s MP, Anne Milton, has announced three debates in the run up to the EU Referendum. Two are to be held in Cranleigh and one at the University of Surrey in Guildford.

She has worked with a number of local organisations to make sure local residents and businesses get to hear the arguments for remaining, and for leaving the EU. Co-chaired by Ms Milton, these debates will be an opportunity for people to be better informed ahead of the vote on June 23.

The first debate is in collaboration with Cranleigh Chamber of Commerce and Informed Choice, will be in Cranleigh Arts Centre on Friday, May 13, 12.30-14:30.  Anne will chair the lunchtime event with the following speakers representing both sides of the debate:

  • Cllr Paul Spooner, leader of Guildford Borough Council
  • Harry Aldridge, export business owner and former UKIP parliamentary candidate

The audience will be invited to ask questions and pose their own views on this topical and important subject. The debate will finish with a confidential ‘in/ out’ poll of the audience.

Bookings for the free event, open to the public, can be made on the Cranleigh Chamber of Commerce website.  For those unable to attend on the day, questions in advance can be sent to

The second debate at Cranleigh School is also on Friday, May 13, 16:45-18:00. Anne Milton will chair the evening event with the speakers representing either side of the debate:

  • The Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP, Leader of the House of Commons and Lord President of the Council
  • Paul Lomas, Partner at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP

The audience will be invited to ask questions.

Ms Milton commented: “It is so important that young people have the chance to be involved in the debate on our membership of the EU.  I am looking forward to hearing the views of local students and I am sure there will be many passionate points made on both sides of the argument.”

The third debate has been organised in collaboration with the University of Surrey Students’ Union. It is to be held at the university on Friday, 20 May 20, 19:00-21:00.

The debate is only open to students and university staff but will be webcast. The audience will hear from a panel of speakers from each side of the debate, and will be invited to ask questions.  Anne will chair the evening event with the following speakers:

  • Douglas Carswell MP, Member of Parliament for Clacton
  • The Rt Hon Anna Soubry MP, Member of Parliament for Broxtowe and Minister for Small Business, Industry and Enterprise
  • Two student speakers from the University of Surrey on each side of the debate

Ms Milton said: “I am thrilled that Surrey University students are joining me in putting together what I know will be a very lively debate on the EU Referendum.

“Although this will only be for those on campus, it will be live-streamed so everyone across Guildford, Cranleigh and Surrey will get a chance to hear from our main speakers but also hear some challenging questions from the audience.

“Both Douglas Carswell, the only UKIP MP, and Minister of State Anna Soubry are front and centre on the leave and remain campaigns. We are very lucky they have agreed to come to Surrey.”

The live-stream coverage will be available via the Students’ Union’s website and via Facebook on for members of the public. Viewers and audience members can also contribute on Twitter via the hashtag #SurreyEUref

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Responses to Guildford’s MP Announces Three EU Debates

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    May 5, 2016 at 12:05 am

    Disappointed there is not one for the north of Guildford. So it’s going to be a bit like the police commissioner’s vote – guess the answer with no information.

  2. Sue Fox Reply

    May 9, 2016 at 11:37 am

    Jim Allen is absolutely right, many of us would like to comment in person. A webcast is not local democracy or even national democracy.

    Anything wrong with holding a public meeting in the Electric Theatre. There’s less than 44 days to go but ample time to arrange a debate.

  3. Sara Tokunaga Reply

    May 10, 2016 at 12:08 pm

    Agreed with both comments. Extremely disappointing that no public debate has been organised for Guildford. Webcasting means nothing to the people who do not have access to the internet. Why are Surrey University students being given a voice, and the rest of us (the majority) being denied this opportunity?

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