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Guildford’s MP Resigns Over the Prospect of a ‘No-deal’ Brexit

Published on: 23 Jul, 2019
Updated on: 24 Jul, 2019

Rt Hon Anne Milton MP

Anne Milton, Guildford’s MP, has resigned from the government today after 13 years on the frontbenches. In her letter of resignation, she says she has “grave concerns” about the prospect of leaving the EU with no deal.

The news came through minutes before the announcement of Boris Johnson as the winning candidate in the Conservative leadership election and therefore the next prime minister.

In a press statement Ms Milton who was the Minister of State for Skills and Apprenticeships said, “I abstained last week on the amendment on the prorogation of Parliament and have reflected on this, in my view if we are to leave the EU it is essential we maintain a close relationship with our nearest neighbours and biggest trading partners and I will continue to support the government as it tries to find a way to achieve this.

Anne Milton’s announcement on Twitter

“I had hoped we could have left the EU on 29 March and regret that this was not possible.

“It has been an honour and privilege to serve in government.  I am proud of what we have achieved, particularly my final role implementing the Apprenticeship Programme which will be vital for the country’s future after Brexit.

“I will continue to represent my constituents, but I believe I can do this most effectively from the backbenches.”

The Guildford MP only announced the way she voted in the 2016 referendum after the polls had closed. She voted Remain and said she was surprised at the size of the 42% Leave vote in Guildford.

Given the majority for Remain in Guildford, local Liberal Democrats are known to be looking forward to the opportunity of challenging her considerable majority if a general election is called. Despite speculation that the 63-year-old MP might decide to retire, she has previously told the Guildford Dragon that she intended to carry on for another term.

Guildford’s 2017 general election result showing Anne Milton’s dominance despite a 5% swing to the Lib Dems – Source Wikipedia

Asked on the BBC’s Politics Live programme if she would be prepared to vote against a Boris Johnson government to stop “no-deal” the former deputy chief whip said: “I would be very reluctant to vote against the government and the party that I am part of. I would be very nervous of Jeremy Corbyn running the country, that would be a great deal worse.”

Anne Milton on the BBC’s Politics Live

When pushed for a definitive answer on her voting intention to stop a no-deal proposal she said that she did not think it would come to that so, “I won’t have to make that terrible decision.”

Former borough councillor and Leave campaigner Christian Holliday commented: “It’s a shame to see Anne leave government. I think all existing ministers should be prepared to give the new leader’s programme a chance.

“Boris Johnson has been democratically elected as Party leader. He has emphasised that we are leaving the EU, not Europe. Once we have left the EU we can turn our attentions to our future relationship.”

But Bob Hughes, chairman of the Guildford Conservative Association, was more sympathetic. He said: “Anne is a hard-working and a popular MP for Guildford. In making what must have been a difficult decision to give up her position as a minister, she is characteristically putting her constituents first.

“Probably uniquely, Anne consulted her constituents during the EU referendum and narrowly came down on the side of remain. Since then she has continued to engage with people on all sides of the debate and all views on Brexit. Some people will disagree with her decision today, but she will be widely respected for putting Guildford and her country first.”

Below is Anne Milton’s resignation letter, in full:

Anne Milton’s resignation letter


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Responses to Guildford’s MP Resigns Over the Prospect of a ‘No-deal’ Brexit

  1. Adam Aaronson Reply

    July 23, 2019 at 2:59 pm

    Congratulations to Anne Milton for following her conscience. Let’s hope that more of her colleagues will turn out to have the courage of their convictions.

  2. Pete Brayne Reply

    July 23, 2019 at 4:35 pm

    Well done Anne. My response to Mr Johnson becoming leader of your party is to join the Liberal Democrats.

  3. Peter Turvey Reply

    July 24, 2019 at 7:30 am

    Guildford Conservatives have lost the plot. Disastrous results in the last local elections, and now Anne Milton thinking she knows better than our prime minister-elect. We need root and branch reform before the next general election

  4. Stuart Barnes Reply

    July 24, 2019 at 8:57 am

    How appalling. The odds of her retaining her seat in any future general are now very very low.

    If any of the other rebels follow suit and try to bring down the government then I suggest that it heralds the end of the once great and once conservative Conservative party. After several hundred years of success, we are now seeing the twilight of the gods.

    Time for Nigel Farage to take over and bring in to the House of Commons the Brexit party to take over those few Conservatives left in the faux Conservative party?

  5. John Perkins Reply

    July 24, 2019 at 11:41 am

    Presumably Anne Milton feels that her substantial majority at the last election allows her to indulge her conscience.

    Unfortunately for her the numbers don’t necessarily support that view. Were there to be an election before November, the Brexit Party would almost certainly field a candidate. It’s likely that the result would still go to the Conservatives, but with both the Brexit Party and Lib Dems close behind. A bigger than expected vote for either could result in the Conservatives losing one of their safest seats.

    The question then is: would her party take that risk by remaining loyal to someone who, however able, has shown disloyalty to them?

  6. David Roberts Reply

    July 24, 2019 at 2:18 pm

    Anne who?

  7. Jim Allen Reply

    July 24, 2019 at 3:10 pm

    The question raised is, do we want an honest MP or one which ignores the facts, runs with the crowd and votes simply because everyone else voted that way.

    Being a maverick myself I disagree with our MP’s thought process (I believe a no-deal exit will work if the will is there). But I respect her for having one.

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