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Hasty Failed Power-Grab by County Council Betrays Fear of Opposition Parties

Published on: 20 Sep, 2020
Updated on: 20 Sep, 2020

From: Ramsey Nagaty

leader of the Guildford Greenbelt Group

In response to: SCC Leader’s Bid For One Unitary Authority Torpedoed By Shock Government U-Turn

The leaked email confirms the GGG belief that the hastened bid for a unitary authority for Surrey was indicative of Conservative fears and a hasty power-grab to try to ensure Conservative Party control of Surrey. Clearly, there is a fear of the liberal and independent parties such as GGG and R4GV.

The message the county council gave to parish councils, next tier down in the proposed new unitary structure, was that this would preserve local democracy because parish councils would have the power to name new roads. If that was the best example, heaven help local democracy. Thankfully, this will not now happen.

GBC can now continue their efforts to meet residents’ needs and expressed desires, to make Guildford an even better place to live and do business without worrying about the proposed single unitary authority commencing in 18 months.

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