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Updated: Hospital Cancer Centre Forced To Postpone Appointments Over ‘Critical Incident’

Published on: 18 Jun, 2024
Updated on: 19 Jun, 2024

The Royal Surrey County Hospital

The Royal Surrey County Hospital yesterday declared a critical incident in their radiotherapy department due to the loss of their operating system (June 18). This impacted both the Cancer Centre at the Royal Surrey and the unit they operate at Redhill.

But today (June 19) a new statement from the Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust said the problem had been resolved.

The statement said:

“We have re-gained access to our radiotherapy system and are now able to provide treatment at both our Guildford and Redhill sites.

“Yesterday we temporarily lost access to the system due to an off-site telecoms issue.

“Our team is contacting all patients who had their treatment postponed to reschedule their appointments as soon as possible.

“We sincerely apologise for any disruption caused to people as a result of the loss of service.

“If you are due to have radiotherapy treatment, please attend your appointment as normal unless contacted directly by the team.”

The Royal Surrey says any patients concerned about their treatment should contact the radiotherapy department on 01483 406600.

When the problem was announced yesterday, a statement said: “Our teams are working hard to fix the issue but unfortunately we have had to cancel a number of planned appointments. We have identified that this has been caused by a telecoms issue and we are working with our external provider to resolve this as soon as possible.”

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