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Examiner Asks For 20 Changes To Effingham’s Neighbourhood Plan Before A Referendum

Published on: 21 Sep, 2017
Updated on: 25 Sep, 2017

Effingham Parish Council’s draft Neighbourhood Plan

By Chris Dick

An independent examiner has given Effingham Parish Council over 20 recommendations, some minor, which they will need to address before its Neighbourhood Plan can proceed to a village-wide referendum.

The examiner, Peter Biggers, recommended changes to the parish council’s choice of development sites and the types of buildings they had put forward.

In his report, he said: “I have therefore recommended a number of modifications,  to the plan which should be made before the plan can proceed to referendum.

“In proposing the modifications I have tried to ensure that the integrity of the ENP [Effingham Neighbourhood Plan], and its vision, is retained and that the intention of neighbourhood planning, where the community’s wishes should be central to the plan, is honoured.”

But the examinerr went on to say that this had not been possible in all cases and that the parish council would no doubt feel disappointed about the recommended deletions and significant modifications of the proposal to develop the old school playing field in Church Street. Additionally, referring to the current Local Plan, he  rejected the idea of developing The Barn site behind The Street.

With the modifications in place, Biggers said that the Neighbourhood Plan could proceed to a referendum.

A member of ENPAG (Effingham NP Advisory Group) said that they would be meeting to discuss the inspector’s recommendations today, Thursday (September 21, 2017) prior to the parish council meeting next Tuesday (September 26).

Please check back for our further report following the parish council meeting.

The draft NP can be found at:

And the examiner’s report may be found at:

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Responses to Examiner Asks For 20 Changes To Effingham’s Neighbourhood Plan Before A Referendum

  1. John Perkins Reply

    September 22, 2017 at 9:28 am

    So, the planning inspector thinks that people should not be asked their opinion until they accept his. Stalin would have approved, I’m sure.

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