Fringe Box



Knife Point Pizza Robbery

Published on: 15 Jan, 2013
Updated on: 17 Jan, 2013

Pizza gogo boxA pizza delivery was robbed at knife point on Saturday night in Ash Vale.

A police spokesperson said: “The incident took place around 9-20pm when the Aldershot-based pizza company, Pizza Go Go, received a call for a takeaway to be delivered to an address in Cypress Grove. As the driver arrived at the address and was unloading the delivery, he was threatened with a large knife and the suspect made off with the pizza delivery.”

Police are appealing to anyone who witnessed the incident, or anyone with any other information, to come forward.

The suspect is described as a white man, aged around 18 years and was wearing a black hooded top, blue jeans and white trainers.

Surrey Police BadgeInvestigating officer, Detective Constable Juliette Wright said: “The victim was visibly shaken following this incident and we are following up a number of lines of enquiry to trace the suspect. However, we would urge anyone with any information to come forward as soon as possible.”

Anyone with information is asked to call Surrey Police on 101, quoting crime reference number GD/13/339 or, if you prefer to remain anonymous, contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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