Fringe Box



Letter: Lead Councillor on GPO ‘Our aim is to continue to provide for this interest’

Published on: 24 Mar, 2013
Updated on: 24 Mar, 2013

GPO Farewell LetFrom Jennifer Powell

Lead Borough Councillor for Culture and Leisure (Con, Clandon & Horsley)

Guildford has been so fortunate in having had many years of pleasure from the Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra [GPO]. We have been even more fortunate in having Nicola with Clare managing the orchestra.

Friday evening’s concert was superb and a wonderful tribute to Nicola for the expertise she has brought at all times. I have had the pleasure of attending many concerts over the years and all have provided much enjoyment for the people of Guildford and beyond.

Guildford Borough Council is appreciative of the role of the arts and cultural activity in our borough and our aim is to continue to provide for this interest.

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Responses to Letter: Lead Councillor on GPO ‘Our aim is to continue to provide for this interest’

  1. Brian Miller Reply

    March 28, 2013 at 6:55 pm

    Last Friday’s final GPO concert was superb. The GPO is ‘dead’, long live the GPO. When are we going to hear official news about who has been successful to take over?

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