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Letter: Is this a Party of Government or a Bunch of Cronies?

Published on: 11 Mar, 2016
Updated on: 11 Mar, 2016

GBC petitionFrom Ben Paton

If Monika Juneja and Steven Mansbridge’s petition for an elected mayor succeeds the disgrace of the Conservative Party in Guildford will be complete. These two individuals were the leader and the deputy leader, respectively, of the Conservative group at Guildford Borough Council.

Mr Mansbridge appeared to tell the full council he had nothing to do with the petition. He participated in the council’s debate on a new constitution and said, in council, that he had no objections to it. His comments can be seen here.

These individuals set the trajectory for the Local Plan – which will have cost tax payers some £4 million. The Conservatives have never found that these individuals breached the borough council’s code of ethics and these individuals have never apologised for the waste of public money caused.

Now they have started a process which will waste still more public money.

Is this a party of government or a bunch of cronies?

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