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Letter: Planning Comments Show Democratic Balance Over Wisley

Published on: 30 Apr, 2016
Updated on: 30 Apr, 2016

Aerial photograph of the site marked in red of the proposed development. From Guildford Borough Council's planning officers' report.From Tony Edwards

Member of the Wisley Action Group committee

Clearly local democracy has no place in Mr Murray’s long-term plans [see: Developer Says Wisley Development Could Help Guildford Meet Its Housing Need].

Having received a unanimous “No” from Guildford’s Planning Committee on April 6th, he still claims that his proposed assault on the green belt at Wisley reflects the wishes of Guildford residents.

A quick visit to Guildford Borough Council’s planning portal will confirm that over 2,000 people bothered to object to his ‘new town’ and just seven, yes seven, people were in favour.

He conveniently ignore fundamental facts like the lack of transport links, poor air quality, lack of infrastructure, no consented access from the A3 for this proposal, and objections from a long list of authoritative voices.

GBC planning officers presented fourteen planning reasons why the project should be kicked into touch. The planning committee roundly agreed. Only Mr Murray, his PR man, and the man from Savills seemed to think it was a good idea. And that’s still the case.

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Responses to Letter: Planning Comments Show Democratic Balance Over Wisley

  1. Garry Walton Reply

    April 30, 2016 at 7:18 pm

    Well said Mr Edwards.

    This position from Mr Murray on behalf of his anonymous Cayman Island investors, who have not been subject to money laundering checks like the Prime Minister, is wholly disliked and rejected by the people and the Planning Committee of our council.

    When will he get the message and go away?

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