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Letter: All the National Parties Are Blind to the Real Housing Need

Published on: 3 Dec, 2023
Updated on: 3 Dec, 2023

Dragon editor questions the prime minister.

From: Peter Bennett-Davies

In response to: All the National Parties Are Letting Guildford Down

Mr Robert’s observations on all the National Parties letting Guildford down is 100 per cent correct and applies across the whole of England.

All the national parties are, without doubt, totally blind to the need to build truly affordable smaller homes for the many thousands, forced to rent a flat or house, while wanting to own their home and care for and improve, in order to progress up the ‘property ladder’.

The government, regardless of political party should instruct the building industry to build the smaller homes desperately needed to address the severe shortage of properly affordable housing which has steadily built up over the past 25 years or so. Preferably brownfield sites in sustainable locations should be used.

A cost-benefit analysis should easily prove government grant support for cleaning up contaminated brownfield sites would be a worthwhile long-term investment when set against all the additional costs of providing roads, utility services, etc for housing on rural former green belt class 1 or 2 agricultural land.

The large housing developers wallow in fat profits derived from building large high-priced homes on rural land.

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Responses to Letter: All the National Parties Are Blind to the Real Housing Need

  1. Valerie Thompson Reply

    December 3, 2023 at 10:44 pm

    Here, in West Horsley, a development of over 130 houses on farmland, opposed by the parish council and local residents, has been paused as no-one is buying the expensive properties.

  2. RWL Davies Reply

    December 4, 2023 at 12:59 pm

    Eminently sensible approach which is inevitable in the long term via a range of pressures.

    Don’t expect any progress soon.

    It’s “politics” that currently counts at the local level, rather than meeting local needs in a sensible and achievable manner.

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