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Letter: And Season’s Greetings to the Guildford Dragon News Team

Published on: 30 Dec, 2023
Updated on: 30 Dec, 2023

From: Brian Holt

In response to: Season’s Greetings to All Dragon NEWS Readers!

I wish the editor and all his voluntary reporters, who put in many hours over the year bringing us top news and reports, A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

You also give a service to people who have moved away who can keep up with Guildford news.

Thank you Guildford Dragon NEWS.

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Responses to Letter: And Season’s Greetings to the Guildford Dragon News Team

  1. Olly Azad Reply

    December 31, 2023 at 6:17 am

    Can I also extend my best wishes to the Guildford Dragon NEWS and my appreciation to them for continuing to bring to us up to date local news, coupled with informative, engaging and insightful reports that they write for us including those who care to read about Guildford City FC. A thumbs up to the editor and of course the voluntary reporters for their invaluable contributions. Thank you once again.

  2. Gavin Morgan Reply

    December 31, 2023 at 8:59 am

    Wonderful message and one I know captures the gratitude of so many readers. Guildfordians here and everywhere are so lucky to have the Dragon which allows us to stay informed. All the best for a successful New Year!

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