Fringe Box



Letter: Anti-Social Behaviour on the Mount Has Become a Problem

Published on: 10 Jun, 2020
Updated on: 10 Jun, 2020

Youths use The Mount to meet up

From Mountside resident (name and address supplied)

The field on The Mount is a well-known and loved open-space in Guildford. It is quite understandable that many people are enjoying it during the lockdown and recent wonderful weather, especially to witness the beautiful sunsets.

It is also a site of special scientific interest because it is a rare example of chalk downland with skylarks that nest this time of year on the ground and it also hosts several types of wild orchid. People walk their dogs here all the time and the vast majority bag-up all waste, courteously and use the bins provided.

The field has become much more popular in recent weeks but that is bringing problems, especially during the small hours. The amount of litter found in the mornings has increased significantly and the voices of very loud and exuberant young people can be heard up to sunrise sometimes. This is very inconsiderate because residents must close windows which makes bedrooms stuffy in the summer. Residents and dog-walkers clear-up litter every morning.

Litter left behind

We welcome visitors but expect people to keep noise levels to a minimum and take their rubbish home with them. I am sure they would not like similar behaviour on their front doorsteps. We are all aware of the importance of social-distancing but this message seems to have eluded many young people.

There are groups sometimes of up to twenty, who sit very closely together and seem to pay no regard to trying to prevent the spread of Covid. They will return to their families and risk passing it on. Have they not heard of the ‘R’ number? The problems continue.

Little observance of social distancing by this group on The Mount

The field is accessed from several points including two roads, The Mount and Mountside. Interestingly, the residents of each road are experiencing different problems. The Mount, shortly beyond the cemetery turning-circle, is prohibited to traffic other than for access to houses. Every night there are a quite a few cars parked up there, driven mostly by young people, not just to visit the field but eat food, drink beer and fizzy-drinks and litter is found where the cars are parked.

One of the small capsules believed to have contained laughing gas

Included in the litter are numerous small, silver-coloured cylinders, which I am told, contained nitrous-oxide, better known as “laughing gas”, a mild general anaesthetic, used by dentists in the past but most worryingly, a hallucinogenic drug that can be addictive. Recently, there were at least 50 of these cylinders scattered on the ground.

Worse news for the residents of upper Mountside, of which I am one, there has been criminal damage, including to my son’s car, on two separate occasions on very early Sunday mornings. His car is quite eye-catching but there is no excuse. This has been reported to police but unless criminals are caught in the act or there is clear evidence that can lead to identification, nothing can be done.

This has always been a peaceful area with minimal antisocial behaviour but for one, I shall be pleased when the lockdown is over and the rain returns so that life might return to normal again.

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Responses to Letter: Anti-Social Behaviour on the Mount Has Become a Problem

  1. Martin Elliott Reply

    June 10, 2020 at 11:46 am

    So what has been the police reaction each time this criminal behaviour is reported?

    There doesn’t seem to have been much reported in April?

    Editor’s note: The author confirmed he had reported it to the police who had advised that there was little they could do unless offenders were caught “in the act”.

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