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Letter: Challenges Set For Lib Dem Winner, While Wishing Her Luck

Published on: 8 May, 2021
Updated on: 8 May, 2021
From: Chris O’Keeffe
I stood as the Conservative candidate for Guildford North in Thursday’s election. The division was held by the incumbent Liberal Democrats, with a majority of approximately 300 votes.

I want to thank the many people who voted for me in Stoke and Stoughton and I wish Julia, the newly elected Liberal Democrat county councillor, the best of luck in the coming years.

The county council spend most of the local budget on the essential services we rely on, so this was a very important election.

Recent Liberal Democrat literature has promised much and now the Liberal Democrats hold both borough and county council seats they should be able to deliver the improvements they promised.

Some areas of Bellfields, such as the courtyards in Rowan Close, need investment and many roads in Bellfields would be considered poor in developing countries. Riverside, near the Row Barge, has heavy traffic and experiences regular flooding but it never gets the real attention it needs to rectify the situation.

Many people want more trees planted in Guildford North to improve aesthetics and shield their homes from the industrial estate’s light pollution.

As a resident of Bellfields, I know when services such as tree care are delivered in our area, they are not up to the standard expected elsewhere in Surrey. Can this be rectified, please?

Railings are left broken for years. Would it not be better to remove or replace the barriers with something more durable? Graffiti has increased in the past 12 months and it does not seem to be removed as it used to be. This contributes to bringing down the area.

People will have noticed this, it is not party politics.

The proposed development of 1,500 new homes on the Bellfields and Old Farm allotments needs to be evaluated now the money for the essential infrastructure has been withdrawn.

I do hope the Liberal Democrats can focus on delivering essential services and improving the environment. Again, I wish our new councillor the very best and hope she will be a strong voice for Stoughton, Bellfields and Slyfield,

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Responses to Letter: Challenges Set For Lib Dem Winner, While Wishing Her Luck

  1. George Potter Reply

    May 9, 2021 at 2:50 pm

    I’m confused, is Mr O’Keeffe listing problems in Bellfields or is he boasting about Conservative achievements in neglecting such areas over the past 24 years of running the county council?

    It really is remarkable how so many Conservative candidates are keen to complain about the very things their own party is responsible for, and so quick to demand that Liberal Democrats (who are still a minority on a Conservative-run council) instantly remedy problems decades in the making.

    George Potter is the Lib Dem county councillor for Guildford East

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