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Letter: Cllr Furniss’ Letter Requires Correction

Published on: 6 Aug, 2020
Updated on: 5 Aug, 2020

From: Mark Brett-Warburton

Conservative county councillor for Guildford South East

In response to: A Single Unitary  for Surrey Is the Best Option for Guildford Residents

I am glad Cllr Furniss has highlighted the benefits of collaborative working and what can be achieved, although it does require effort to make it happen.

A correction, however, is required to the comment about the relaying of the High Street setts. This wasn’t initiated under the last administration but the one before, under Stephen Mansbridge as GBC leader. I know because I initiated the project in 2013 as Guildford Local Committee Chairman and it took 3 years of effort to see it to completion.

It was a project that everyone agreed should take place, but neither SCC nor GBC wanted to fund it until we found a formula that was acceptable to both sides.

We managed to get the work done because at the time GBC was willing to listen and engage with SCC, the residents and other stakeholders to create better partnership working, although this has not always been the case.

Over the years, as the Surrey county councillor for Guildford South East division (which includes the High Street), I have found most borough councillors willing to engage and great to work with, including cross-party representation.  The objective of delivering good results for residents was our primary concern.

But regrettably, I have, found some borough councillors could be decidedly divisive in their approach to SCC. Although, I have noted the same people could demonstrate a remarkable volte-face in attitude once they left the borough council to become Surrey county councillors, which makes the behaviour even more frustrating. It does not reflect a genuine concern but is rooted in partisan behaviour for the sake of self-interest.

If a unitary authority gets rid of this type of approach it can only be a positive outcome for residents.

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Responses to Letter: Cllr Furniss’ Letter Requires Correction

  1. Mary Bedforth Reply

    August 6, 2020 at 1:35 pm

    Why is one row of parking spaces at the Bright Hill car park taken up with materials and barriers etc used for the sett laying? That was ages ago now.

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