From Gerry Lytle
retired architect
In response to: A Model Way We Could All See What Our Town’s Future Looks Like In Planning
I’m surprised there may be concern regarding the use of a modern computer tool to assess major proposals for future development in the town.
This programme/tool requires detailed and accurate information installed, to provide the basic foundation of Guildford, upon which many layers can be considered when assessing a site.
This can include existing buildings, planning schemes being constructed, future planning schemes registered with GBC, critical views from surrounding vantage points, and eye-level street views. The list can be endless, depending on the information established.
Being only a tool, this provides the basic contextual information of the surrounding area and hence any major proposal can be considered in two and three dimensions, distance views, sun paths and so on.
To have such a tool at hand for both council officers and the public to use to assist in understanding complex major applications should be welcomed and deemed a necessity rather than a public relation exercise.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Pearl Catlin
July 7, 2020 at 3:45 pm
How on earth did they build Westminster Abbey, York Minster and Winchester Cathedral without all this computer help?
I reckon the world will be totally barmy within the next 20 years.
Apparently it is already well on its way.