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Letter: Couldn’t Sponsors Have Financed Cricket Pavilion Replacement?

Published on: 23 Jul, 2016
Updated on: 23 Jul, 2016
The cricket pavilion at the sports ground in Woodbridge Road, Guildford.

The cricket pavilion at the sports ground in Woodbridge Road, Guildford.

From Frank Phillipson

I write in response to the comments on the council’s decision to replace the cricket pavilion in Woodbridge Road.

I’m not particularly a cricket supporter and I’m all for maintaining services for the elderly, etc.

However, to be fair, apparently funding for the cricket pavilion is being shared between Surrey Cricket Club, Guildford Cricket Club and Guildford Borough Council which holds the ground under a trust from when it was left to the town, for sporting use, by Sir Harry Waechter in 1911.

I would have thought though, that in a prosperous county such as Surrey, that funds could be raised by sponsorship etc.

From appearance, it does seem as though the cricket ground is infrequently used and when it is, it doesn’t seem to be very public.

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Responses to Letter: Couldn’t Sponsors Have Financed Cricket Pavilion Replacement?

  1. Stuart Barnes Reply

    July 25, 2016 at 10:44 am

    Cricket is England’s national summer sport and is part of our tradition. We have lost and are losing so much of our traditions and culture, so I am happy that we are supporting our local cricket club. After all it was partly because of our English support for our traditions and culture that made us work so hard to get us out of the corrupt EU. Let us be proud of what we have got left.

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