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Letter: Councillors Should Take Their Example From Bill Bellerby

Published on: 2 Nov, 2017
Updated on: 2 Nov, 2017

From Bernard Parke

hon alderman and former Mayor of Guildford

It has always been a tradition amongst councillors to support the mayor by selling poppies in memory of those men and women who paid the supreme sacrifice to give us peace in our time.

However out of the forty eight councillors only a handful, it seems, have elected to step forward to help. There are so few names put forward that this year members of Guildford Borough Council staff have helped to fill in the gaps in the collection rota.

Perhaps the councillors should reflect that this time last year Hon Freeman Bill Bellerby braved the cold to add his support in this cause.

Dare I say that many of us could well learn many lessons from this remarkable man who is no longer with us.

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