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Letter: Councillor’s Tirade Illustrates Misunderstanding

Published on: 1 May, 2019
Updated on: 1 May, 2019

From Julian Lyon

member of the Guildford Vision Group

In response to: Opinion: I Am Proud of Our Decision to Adopt the Local Plan

Mr Jackson’s tirade is a lengthy illustration of misunderstanding piled on top of error.

It will not be lawful to address the Town Centre Regeneration Strategy as an SPD (Supplementary Planning Document) because in several areas it would be in breach of the Local Plan (as highlighted by other members of Guildford Vision Group and Joss Bigmore [leader of Residents for Guildford and Villages] to no avail).

The notion that all available brownfield has been used before unavailable greenfield land – as green belt land should be considered – is correct. On the other hand, harder to develop urban land should then have been looked at before unavailable greenfield land. That is how the spatial hierarchy works. In practice that didn’t happen here in Guildford.

Many people have had serious misgivings about many aspects of the plan. A substantial proportion of the 80,000 or so representations have identified such misgivings.

To belittle and decry such opposing views is to debase communities and individuals who care. Faced with such arrogance, and the similarly insensitive way the plan was adopted between postal votes and ballot box voting is to debase democracy.

I have always thought Mr Jackson to be a good and thoughtful councillor. I may have to rethink that view on the basis of this nonsensical tirade.

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Responses to Letter: Councillor’s Tirade Illustrates Misunderstanding

  1. Peta Malthouse Reply

    May 2, 2019 at 2:37 pm

    I have to agree…I have lost days, weeks even, penning responses to consultation over the last eight years, first as chair of Normandy Parish Council and then to finish off what I started as a very concerned resident of the Parish Of Normandy.

    I have asked my councillor, in open forum, how various concerns that I have (shared by others, I might add) have been addressed, only to be replied to quite rudely by our councillor who is there to answer those concerns. Briefly, it was about the impact of Flexford and Normandy being removed from the green belt and the impact of Blackwell Farm development where the developers seemed to show on their map a proposed new road to join up with West Flexford Lane thus creating a rat-run between an ever congested A31 and the Research Park). Neither of those points has been explained satisfactorily.

    I will wait to hear…

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