Fringe Box



Letter: Did Anyone Else See A Fireball?

Published on: 6 May, 2020
Updated on: 6 May, 2020

From John Perkins

Did anyone else see the fireball last night?

We first saw it in the middle of the sky, slightly to the west and north of here, heading roughly north, at about 20:40 BST.

It lasted about 30 seconds before disappearing over the horizon.

From our perspective, it appeared about three inches (7 cm) long and was as bright as a full moon (it was twilight).  Apart from the moon, it was the biggest thing I’ve ever seen in the sky.

We heard no sound, although, as I am deaf in one ear, that’s not surprising.

There is a report from Koln in Germany, roughly east of here, where one was seen at 18:30 BST and one from Leven in Scotland, roughly NNW of here, at 20:47 BST.

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Responses to Letter: Did Anyone Else See A Fireball?

  1. John Perkins Reply

    May 8, 2020 at 7:58 pm

    The United Kingdom Meteor Observation Network (UKMON) rejected my report of a fireball, probably because too few others saw it, but possibly because, in my report, I showed it going in the wrong direction. I need to learn left from right.

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