In response to: MP Richardson’s Sudden ‘Guildford Forum’ Plan Meets Mixed Reception
On the one hand, we have Guildford Borough Council, the Guildford Vision Group, and The Guildford Society, and yet Angela Richardson thinks we need another forum. Could this be because the existing forums are out of step with her objectives?
On the other hand, we have 11 borough and district councils and a county council, and yet SCC Leader Tim Oliver thinks we should have a unitary authority – essentially a single forum. Could this be because those forums are out of step with his objectives?
Is it now Tory party policy that existing forums should be like focus groups to be set up and discarded at a whim in order to get them to fall in line with the party line?
I think we should stick with the existing forums and make use of them effectively.
Or do we need yet another forum to discuss whether or not we should have fewer or more forums?
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Pearl Catlin
August 2, 2020 at 4:13 pm
And with all these forums we still have filthy safety posts, potholes from four years ago, let alone last winter, road signs hidden by overgrown bushes, cracked paving stones, thick hedgerows blocking vision in lanes and lush weeds where water should flow along the gutters. And so on.
One really does despair sometimes.
Catherine Houston
August 2, 2020 at 7:41 pm
All the issues Pearl Catlin mentions are the responsibility of Surrey County Council (not Guildford Borough Council) which is run by Ms Richardson’s party colleagues, in the Conservative Party.
Jim Allen
August 3, 2020 at 1:22 am
Whichever form of forum, statutory or voluntary 5 per cent will do all the research and work and the rest will just talk and talk and talk.