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Letter: Does Guildford’s MP Back a Pay Rise For Our Life-Saving Front Line NHS Staff?

Published on: 10 Sep, 2020
Updated on: 10 Sep, 2020

From: George Potter

Lib Dem borough councillor for Burpham

In response to: Guildford Labour’s NHS Campaign Clashes With Tories Over Pandemic

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so it’s good to see Labour backing the Lib Dem call for a pay rise for front line workers during the pandemic.

It’s a shame it’s taken them until now, given the Lib Dem call was first reported in the Guildford Dragon back in March, so better late than never.

But to see the Conservatives refusing to even engage with the issue of the pay rise is deeply disappointing. Instead, they resort to deflection, accusing others of “creating division” merely for believing front line workers risking their lives to save ours in a pandemic deserve better than poverty wages.

And where is our elected MP on this? Why is the local Tory response on a national issue given by one of their councillors rather than by our Conservative MP who is meant to be representing all her constituents in parliament? What’s her view about an NHS pay rise?

Ms Richardson dodged the question when the Lib Dems put it to her back in March and six months later she still hasn’t come up with an answer. Perhaps our MP can’t have an opinion until party headquarters tells her what it should be?

Editor’s note: We hope to interview Guildford’s MP, Angela Richardson, soon.

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