Fringe Box



Letter: The Earl of Onslow Should Be Thankful

Published on: 10 Dec, 2017
Updated on: 10 Dec, 2017

From Russell Morris

In response to: Clandon Park – Earl Unhappy With Winning Restoration Design Concept

Have any of the naysayers any idea of how much it might cost to stabilise a ruin and keep it safe for visitors and maintenance staff? Just look at the incredible (and quite breathtaking) mesh of costly scaffolding that presently bolsters the facades and needs regular safety checks.

Yes, a lot of money needs to be spent on the proposed scheme. But that money will, for a large part, help to keep specialist crafts alive.

But I’m clearly the only Surrey resident who would not also have doubtless preferred Windsor or Hampton Court to have been left as charred shells.
The good Earl should be grateful that his family managed to offload the responsibility of maintaining this house without giving up any of their land to contribute to its upkeep.

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