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Letter: Easy to Criticise, Harder to Find Solutions

Published on: 20 Dec, 2017
Updated on: 20 Dec, 2017

From Jim Allen

In response to: County Council Conservatives Cannot Manage the Budget

I don’t think Cllr Keith Witham is a typical anything.

I have never met the man but he has demonstrated through his actions, seen third-hand, that he is trying to do his best in difficult circumstances and tries to keep the electorate of his ward informed of the ‘real’ situation. He is one of very few who does.

It is all too easy, when on the outside looking in, to criticise, especially when you disagree politically with events. Far less easy to provide adequate solutions – not mitigations – which would solve our countries problems of excessive immigration which is breaking too much of our inadequate infrastructure and natural resources.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

A fine balance is needed and this is no practical way of supporting an ever-expanding bubble which is logarithmically expanding faster than nature can cope with. It is time to stop thinking finance and start thinking water, clean air and quality of life.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs requires reintegrating into our politics.

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