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Letter: Examiner not Inspector

Published on: 25 Sep, 2017
Updated on: 25 Sep, 2017

Liz Hogger

Lib Dem borough councillor for Effingham and parish councillor.

Responding to: Inspector Asks For 20 Changes To Effingham’s Neighbourhood Plan Before A Referendum

I should add that the report is by an independent examiner, not a planning inspector, as is appropriate for a Neighbourhood Plan.

He is a member of the Neighbourhood Planning Independent Examiners Referral Service run by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, appointed by Guildford Borough Council with the consent of the parish council to conduct the examination under the formal neighbourhood planning regulations.

The vast majority of the Examiner’s recommendations are wording amendments that will actually strengthen the policies of our Neighbourhood Plan. With the exception of deletion of one site allocation and modification of another, all the policies of the plan are accepted and supported to go through to referendum.

The examiner’s report is a great tribute to the hard work of parish councillors and local residents who have been closely involved in shaping this Neighbourhood Plan. I fully expect Effingham Parish Council to welcome and formally endorse the examiner’s report when the matter is considered on Tuesday.

Ed’s note: Thank you for pointing out our error. It has now been corrected.

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