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Letter: Existing RHS Wisley Traffic Queues Should Be Considered

Published on: 15 Jul, 2023
Updated on: 15 Jul, 2023

The entrance to the overflow car park. Google Street View

From: Paul Garland

See: Locals Object to RHS Wisley’s Plan to Extend Use of Overflow Car Park

RHS Wisley has made a planning application to turn the Wisley Sports Ground into a car park. It is specially protected as a designated Local Green Space, and it is a greenfield site within the green belt. The application will be decided by Guildford Borough Council on Wednesday, July 19.

The Society is allowed to use Wisley Cricket Ground, as described in the Lovelace Neighbourhood Plan, as a car park for only 28 days a year, but they have admitted in statutory declarations that they have used it for up to 100 days a year for the last five years. That is an unlawful breach of planning law.

In 2022 Guildford Borough Council opened an enforcement file against the RHS for breaking planning law by exceeding the 28-day limit in respect of the sports ground.

I have just read the documents about this application on GBC’s planning website, (ref 23/P/00219 RHS Wisley Application for Car Park). Amongst the documents is a letter from the RHS, in the last paragraph it states: “…the Society has followed planning procedure for what is considered a reasonable and proportional application to an existing activity that has not in the last 10 years attracted any issues or complaints”.

This is not true, they have an enforcement file still open against them, and then there is the traffic nightmare whenever the RHS has its shows.

In another document, the RHS Transport Statement, it is stated: “…the development proposals will not result in any material (negative) transport impacts in respect to the operation of the site access or the wider highway network and that the proposals can be satisfactorily accommodated and will not prejudice the free flow of traffic or condition of road safety within the neighbouring highway”.

These statements are not correct. Cars going to the RHS shows and events cause huge traffic queues and delays. One objector states that to come from Pyrford to Wisley normally takes 7-9 minutes but when a show is on, it can take up to an hour or an hour and a half. Local residents do not leave via the A3 as they will not be able to come back until after 4 or 5pm without long queues.

The queues do not just affect Wisley, they affect both sides of the A3 from M25 junction 10, Ockham, Ripley, Pyrford, West Byfleet, and so on.

I wonder if any readers of The Guildford Dragon NEWS have used the A3 near Wisley and have ever been caught in a long queue when the RHS shows are on. The police have said the queues are caused by the RHS shows and affect the surrounding areas.

The residents of Wisley would also like to invite readers to see for themselves this greenfield sports ground and see if they think it should be turned into a car park. Note how narrow Wisley Lane is and Pyrford Lock Bridge.

See other articles on this subject here.

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